In a couple of weeks we’ll be launching a real estate listings marketplace for the site Brownstoner that is built on BlankSlate.


We’ve been working with Brownstoner since last fall and that’s given us the opportunity to learn a few things about its audience. First, there is a really personal conversation going on with the readers, some of whom are famously vocal on the site. It’s an unmistakably Brooklyn conversation and people in Brooklyn love it. That’s why the site gets more than 1.5 million pageviews per month. Second, people come to the site looking for all kinds of information about real estate — and one of those things is listings.


Using BlankSlate we are able to make a custom real estate listings application in just a few weeks.



With BlankSlate, even though real estate listings are data intensive, we don’t even have to think about a data model. As we are going thru iterations, we can just add and subtract data elements to the database by just changing the UI. The pages that collect data simply connect to a BlankSlate API, which automatically creates and updates the data structures.


Because BlankSlate handles user management, we don’t have to deal with user permissioning either. We just grab the login and account management screens from our library, style and organize them for Brownstoner, connect them to our API and we’re all set.


BlankSlate enables us to focus on what’s important: making a great real estate listings site that we can easily modify over time as the site grows.
